Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My Chess board

I know this is totally evasive and somewhat narcissistic, but let me have my moment.

Work is a chess game requiring a lot of strategy.

I finally put mine into high gear and thankfully it is paying off.

Isn't it funny how things have a way of coming together when you least expect it yet in such a way as to benefit you the most?

It feels good to be the Queen. I am also sharing this honor with a coworker. She wasn't expecting it either yet it all came together.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Supervisory Incompetence

How do bad supervisors keep their jobs? When you mention a bad supervisor, people tend to think of those who scream, the tyrants.

What I am referring to is the majority of supervisors today. These are the supervisors who collect a bigger paycheck, have a title, and do little else. Here is a list of characteristics these so-called supervisors share:

  • Appear sympathetic to concerns yet don't act on them.
  • Love to throw their title around.
  • Act like they are everyone's boss.
  • Tend to shut the door to their office to have long personal phone conversations.
  • Wait for opportunities to screw employees over in the name of "supervisory responsibility."

    Round them all up and fire them all! Of course this won't happen but let me dream.

    On a side note, people who talk on their cell phones while driving deserve to be shot. Have a nice day!

Friday, September 08, 2006


I promise I will have a new post soon, but in the meantime, I was tagged by Middle Manager so here goes:

Three people who make me laugh:

My coworker/partner in crime who reads this blog
Any woman with huge fake boobs

Three things I can do:

Bullshit just about anyone
Detect bullshit
Function on minimal sleep

Three things I can’t do:

Fly the space shuttle
Drive a car with a manual transmission
Kiss ass

Three things I’m doing right now:

Watching tv
Trying to kill a fly

Three things I want to do before I die:

Travel all over the world
Win the lottery

Three things I hate the most:

Diet soda

Three things that scare me:

Losing my family
Big Brother not being renewed one of these years

Three things I don’t understand:

Child abuse
Animal abuse
Why I am not rich

Three skills I’d like to learn:

How to play craps
How to forgive (just kidding)
How to drive a manual transmission

Three ways to describe my personality:


Three things I think you should listen to:


Things you should never listen to:

The majority of my coworkers
The majority of my family
Religious fanatics

Three favorite foods:


Three beverages I drink regularly:


Three shows I watched as a kid:

Different strokes
The Brady Bunch
Name that Tune