To say it was a horrific experience would be an understatement.
I don't know what was worse, having to smile while Mr. Shit4Brains stood next to me for the obligatory picture or watching my fellow employees kiss ass to upper management.
On a side note, do you remember that song by Beck, "Loser?" It has become Mr. Shit4Brains mantra. Well, it's his mantra for me. "I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me." Yep, that says it all for him.
So, I listened to my fellow employees drone on about how time flies, how fabulous the food was (it wasn't), and how nice it was to spend time together away from work. Excuse me, this wasn't away from work. In fact, it was worse than work. At least at work, I can WORK. All I could do there was sit and pray for time to miraculously pass... quickly.
Although this banquet was not mandatory, it certainly would have been
1 comment:
Just a few minutes ago, I stumbled across this blog.
I was blindly following a set of links and lo & behold I click myself into a pink garden of fresh HR air in an otherwise bland, cloying and stale HR arena where it seems all HR practioners graduate from the same school of monotonous HR & companyspeak.
This is real. True and refreshingly exciting stuff to read learn about.
I've yet to find any UK based HR staffer with the guts to write about their true feelings for their employer, employees and their profession.
So, for me at least, this really rocks and waddya know, HR folk are human and can rant about the boss, the employers and their colleagues and do not need to tow the company line after all.
This is brave. Very brave & I applaud you.
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