Sunday, January 29, 2006

Your Cheating Heart

Most people think sex and work don't go together but they do. Ask any CEO and they will tell you their company has strict policies forbidding such activities (him banging his secretary doesn't count). Based on my experience, here are the typical scenarios you will see in any company.

First, we have the single people dating other single people. By definition, all scenarios of dating at work are bad decisions, this is the easiest. Maybe it works out, maybe not. If you aren't dating your boss, you will probably come out unscathed.

Next, we have a single employee dating a married employee or two married employees dating each other. Either way, no good will come of it. Many a day I have watched or heard about this scenario. The little details of how they try to avoid discovery, such as stealing glances, leaving for lunch separately yet returning at the same time, volunteering to work on projects together, etc. Never underestimate the power of body language and subtle giveaways. How does this end?

Tip: When the spouse of the cheater shows up at work and security is called for a workplace violence incident, you probably won't get promoted anytime in the near future.

Even if it works out and the couple ends up together, the woman is always the cheating whore who works in the (fill-in-the-blank) department. Equal opportunity does not apply with affairs at work. Men are smacked on the wrist for bad judgement but women are done moving up the ranks. Why? This type of behavior is passed off as a lapse in judgement for men that does not reflect on their abilities at work. With women, this is more than a scarlet A on the chest. Such women are lepers. While men in management may admire her ability to be fun, such a woman cannot lead others. Her credibility is gone. Male employees only want to sleep with her and female employees will claw her eyes out. Before long, she will leave for "a better opportunity." This doesn't happen with men. Men are expected to stray. Men can get a blowjob and lead a meeting at the same time. Any scenario such as this usually results in the woman leaving her job. Either she cannot be effective or the social scorn drives her out.

Tip: Don't get involved with married coworkers. If you are a woman, you probably won't get the man. Men in these situations don't want another wife. If you are one of the few who do get the man, don't be surprised when he starts sleeping with someone else after your wedding. There is nothing taboo, AKA exciting, about sleeping with your wife. Also, even if he marries you, you won't be able to stay at work after the scandal so you will now become a boring housewife. How stupid will you feel when your skills are out of date, your husband is now banging another coworker, and you have 2.5 kids to feed who won't get squat because your husband is already paying through the nose for the wife and kids you wronged?

So how does this all relate to my job in HR? Well, I am usually contacted about such scenarios very early. With employees that I work with frequently, I can usually tell by watching them. I am in the business of watching people. Another clue is power. When one of the parties has some, they usually abuse it. When someone starts getting preferential treatment, it is a sign. Such managers can't hide behind their right to make decisions for long.

My other experience is a bit more personal. I have had male employees tell me that conquering a female HR employee is the ultimate conquest. After I picked my jaw off the floor, it all made sense. Silly little me thought men would realize HR employees would be the last people to date and/or cheat. After thinking about it (and getting some valuable male input), I have come to the following conclusions regarding why HR employees make a great chase for male employees:
  • HR is predominately female. The field to chose from is larger.
  • HR tends to have attractive women. Before you laugh, while HR still has the stereotypical, older schoolmarm types, there are a lot of young women in HR.
  • HR signifies power. Even if HR is not aligned to have power in an organization, the nature of the business HR conducts gives them power. I have been in meetings and seen the look that says, "I'd love to show YOU who's boss by ..........."
  • HR is untouchable. The forbidden fruit. HR knows any type of sexual behavior is wrong. To make someone do something they know is wrong is the ultimate power trip.
  • Revenge. If an employee holds HR responsible for something impacting them, why not screw them over by, well, screwing them?

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Ways to Piss HR Off

These things happen on a daily basis so for those who care about screwing up their relationship with HR, listen up. We have memories longer than elephants.

  • Hire a new employee, see problems, then keep them beyond their probationary period. When you can't take it anymore, call HR and tell us you want to fire them. Then blame us when you can't fire them on the spot because they are off probation. For good measure, rant and rave about right to work states, blah blah. Try this moron, look in the mirror and blame the person who is responsible -- YOU!
  • Get your ass reamed out by your boss then call us up to tell us how unfair it is. Keep in mind, are we the only people who remember how much you ream YOUR employees on a daily basis? Karma is a bitch honey.
  • Call and tell us how much that vacancy you have is ruining your operations. Keep it up with all that talk about how HR is not moving fast enough to recruit new people. Toss a little salt in the wound by telling us how this never happened at your previous company. Yep. Sure.
  • Bitch and moan about how crappy your salary is. Tell me how you could make so much more somewhere else. Speaking of this line of crap, do people realize how ridiculous this sounds? If someone else would pay me more and salary was my main concern, wouldn't I be an idiot to stay? Sound truly managerial and tell me how you aren't concerned for yourself, it's your staff. Sure. No chance in hell that raising their salary bumps you up? Newsflash for you.....ever heard that saying, "Employees don't leave jobs, they leave supervisors?" COMPLETELY TRUE. Doubt it? One look at exit interviews will reveal all.
  • Call us and ask a question about "an employee." It's always, "an employee" when it's the manager. This is especially true when it is something embarrassing. So, when you call to ask what the discipline could be for having sex with a subordinate, we know it's you. Most of your employees have already given us a heads up on that........many days ago. HR is the workplace equivalent to the confessional in church. There are days I know I am going to hear, "Forgive me father for I have sinned."
  • Blame HR for everything you don't want to take responsibility for. "I don't want to do this, but HR says I have to." "You know I would give you more money, but HR says I can't." We know all that. How? Employees tell us. Here is how it blames HR, employee calls HR, HR gently and professionally explains the decision-making process to the employee, employee realizes they were screwed by their manager. Management never realizes HR's ace in the hole on this one. Employees know HR is neutral. We have nothing to gain by holding them back. Any power games are within their departments. Also, one of the prerequisites to working in HR is to be a professional bullshit artist. Next to lawyers, we can talk our way around anything. Do I lie? No, but I could sell snow to an Eskimo.

There are quite a few more examples of the crap managers pull but I think that will suffice.