While I can relate to the concept of just wanting a paycheck versus a job, I am not going to do tasks a coworker doesn't like. Bite the bullet (or take one for the team) or get the hell out.
The icing on the cake? She is the least experienced of our team. It pisses me off that she sits back and tries to stay out of potentially challenging situations. Most employees in this situation work twice as hard to prove themselves. Apparently mediocrity is acceptable to some people.
Since our team is paid to be perceptive and carry around a bullshit detector, doesn't she realize we are aware she is trying to play us? I love encountering extremely manipulative people and watching them try to work me. While I don't typically make egotistical statements, I haven't met my match yet. Besides,I use my bullshit skills for good, not evil.
Anyway, like a slow moving car on the highway, she will get pushed out of the way.....soon!
[Nature Channel sounding Narrator]: Normally disinterested in small game, watch as the lioness begins to stalk the unsuspecting pray…
Great visual!
Ha ha,
Or you could just hit her with your car?
Tempting but I can't hit her with my car. The police would catch that.
It is the opposite at my office.....those with less experience and less responsibility get promoted quicker!! WTF?
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