Monday, April 10, 2006

Next Blog

Probably everyone has hit the button in the top right corner, right? Is is just me or is that a futile effort? What I usually find is blogs selling things, blogs in languages I cannot read, or very strange topics that make me shudder at the idea that such people exist. Still, I hit the button from time to time, hoping to find a great blog.

Has anyone actually found one they continued to read? I sure as hell hope so.


Anonymous said...

I love surfing blogs. I mostly find the ones published in asian languages and from Brazil. Yet I keep on searching and that is what brought me to your site. I will include a site that you will enjoy, given the material on your blog.

I have a blog on blogspot if you want to check it out. No obligation.
Irish Cuban Coffee

Shelley said...

Actually, that's exactly how I came across your site as well. And a couple others' blogs that I visit somewhat regularly.

But I know what you mean...I spend maybe a few seconds (tops) on most of the blogs I come across by clicking that little button.

MsPinkSlip said...

I should stop complaining since both of you found my blog this way. I have found a couple good ones but there should be a way to at least choose the languages that can pop up using the button.

Anonymous said...

Apparently that's how I've gotten a lot of my regular readers. No lie.

Steven said...

I love the "next blog" button. In fact, I do find blogs that I really like. When I do, I add their RSS feed to my google homepage.

Rikki said...

i found a couple, but the good ones all have comments saying 'i found your blog while clicking the next blog button'... so there HAS to be some kindsa conspiracy going on :)

MsPinkSlip said...

I have found a couple this way but most are crap.

I do agree with Rikki, it IS a conspiracy to keep you coming back.

MDUB said...

I have no idea how anyone found mine, but I've found a couple that I like with the next button. It's kind of like a box of chocolates or a bag of jelly bellies, you never know what you're going to get.